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hr-N Ovaj suradnik govori hrvatski kao materinski jezik.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
sh-3 Ovaj korisnik zna srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски na naprednoj razini.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language

Bok, ja sam....samo tu!

Бок, ја сам....само ту!

Hello, I'm.....just there!

Hallo, ich bin.....einfach da! (don't even attempt having a conversation with me in German OK?)

For those seeing this via any Wikimedia project

Hello, pozdrav, поздрав, hallo, I'm a user who mostly edits on bswiki, and occasionally enwiki, srwiki and shwiki (much to the dismay of...certain users). My languages are: Croatian (my native language, one that I'm really bad with), English (probably my best language, I consider it my second language and I speak and write in it the most, although it still needs some work) and Serbo-Croatian (I use that to refer to Bosnian and Serbian, two languages I speak slightly worse than Croatian). I have a VERY basic understanding of German, and I mean SUPER basic, I'll probably never communicate with anyone or write in German on any Wikimedia project.

For those seeing this on Meta

I first joined this place to give my input on Croatian Wikipedia via RfC, but now we've moved on to a global ban for a very destructive editor who played a major part in the RfC. I also added myself to Wikimedia LGBT+/Participants because, well, I am. Huge shout-outs to my fellow LGBT editors and cis straight allies.